The college is enrolled as Youth Red Cross group with Indian Red Cross Society, Odisha Branch. An annual subscription of Rs. 10/- is collected from each student towards the Youth Red Cross Fund.


  1. Service to the sick and the suffering
  2. Promotion of Health
  3. International Friendship


Student who have the spirit of service to the sick and the suffering and wish to become active members of the Youth Red Cross have to apply for membership and get their names enrolled.


Special emphasis is laid on the following activities:

  • Service to the sick and the suffering.
  • Practice of personal health habits.
  • College hygiene : Cleanliness of the class rooms, grounds and upkeep of the college-garden.
  • Community hygiene : Taking up works of hygiene and cleanliness in the nearby villages.
  • Inter-College group correspondence.
  • Youth Red Cross activities are moderated by an executive Committee consisting of minimum of five and maximum of eleven members. The committee will elect from among themselves a Chairman, a Vice Chairman, a Secretary and a Joint Secretary. The term of the committee will be for one year.
  • The Youth Red Cross Counsellor, appointed by the Principal from among the members of the staff, will be entitled to attend the meetings of the executive committee and to guide deliberations.
  • Meetings of the committee should be held at least once a month ; and related rules of business may be formed by the Committee.
    Undertaking / implementing the following activities/programmes by the Youth Red Cross unit during the session 2010-2011:
  • Orientation of YRC volunteers in the month of July / Aug, 2010 on Red Cross Movement.
  • Observation of important days like :-
    World Aids Day on 1st December
    National Voluntary blood donation Day on 1st October
    National Red Cross Day 8th May.
    National Youth Day 12th January
    Human Rights Day on 10th December
    World Environment Day & World Population Day