• The academic session of the college which is from June to May has two terms (i) June to December and (ii) January to May.
  • Admission into College begins after the publication of the Board / Council results and continues till the last day prescribed for such admission.
  • Students seeking admission are required to apply in the prescribed form within the specified date ; and before he is admitted into the college he and his guardian have to sign an undertaking that the student will abide by the rules of the college.
  • Admission into college can not be claimed as a matter of right.


  • Every student is required to attend his classes regularly and punctually.
  • As soon as the tutorial groups are formed and notified it is the duty of a student to find out the particular group to which he has been assigned.
  • Students should take their seats before the teacher enters the classroom and should not ordinarily leave their seats during the course of a lecture.
  • A student may be allowed if he is late. But he should take the permission from the concerned teacher.
  • No student is allowed to interrupt the course of a lecture in general class.
  • A student should behave in class room in disciplined manner.


  • Under the regulation of University, a student, in order to be eligible for being sent up for University Examination, is under obligation to attend 75% of lectures / practicals etc. in each subject.
  • Syndicate may however condone the deficiency of attendance of a student to the extent of 15% only in exceptional circumstances. It also may grant condonation to further extent of 5% in case of those who are deputed by the state or University.


  • Every student of the college is expected to take part actively in sports, N.S.S, Youth Red Cross, cultural competitions, seminars etc.
  • Right of the student to participate in election to various societies on democratic lines is recognised. But they are prohibited from indulging in any party or group politics. According to Orissa Education Code, no permission is required for college students to attend political meetings. But they should so conduct themselves as not to bring themselves into undesirable prominence and they must not take any active part in the proceedings. Politics in college should be dealt with in a scholarly way. No college player can play for any team other than the college team without the written permission of Principal.


  • Fees must be paid by 3. P.M. on the day fixed for their collection. Otherwise a fine of Rs. 0.50 paise will have to be paid on the last working day of the month alongwith the fines. Failure to pay them will entail removal of the defaulter’s name from the college rolls and readmission would involve an additional payment equivalent to one month tuition fee and a re-enrolment fee of Rs. 1.00.
  • Any kind of fine on grounds of indiscipline will be realized alongwith tuition fees.
  • Declaration of class promotion and results of a student will be withheld in case of nonpayment of college dues.


  • All written applications should be given to the peon sitting in front of Principal’s office. They should not wait to submit to the Principal personality.
  • Students having grievances or complaints should bring them to the Principal by means of written application.
  • Students are not allowed entry into the college office. They should transact all their business in the college office through the counter.


  • All decisions and instructions are given on the college notice boards placed on different points.
  • No student should remove any notice from the board. Removal of notice is a serious offence.
  • If clarification of any information is required, the student may contact the administrative bursar.
  • No student is allowed to affix private notices on the college notice board.


  • Students should not spit on the walls, floor, nor should they disfigure the college walls.
  • Students must not tamper with college electric fittings, furniture, news papers, library books & laboratory fittings.
  • Students should not create any din or riot or commotion inside the campus. This is viewed seriously.


  • Guardians of the students are expected to meet the Principal/administrative Bursar.
  • Progress-reports and reports regarding the undesirable activities of the students may be sent to their guardians from time to time.